Rabu, 14 Oktober 2009

How to Get Good Quality Score Using Google AdWords

A good Quality Score for your keywords in Google AdWords is crucial. It can decide whether you pay $0.10 per click or $5
  1. Keep your website relevant to the keyword(s) used in your AdWords ad.
  2. Your site needs a "Privacy Policy", a "Contact Us" and (optional) a "Terms of Service" page. Those three pages must be linked from your main page.
  3. Your website must have proper structure and no broken links.
  4. Your site needs an easy, understandable and proper navigation structure.
  5. Your Site must allow the customer to purchase an advertized item within two clicks.
  6. Keep the ad-text in AdWords relevant to your keyword.
  7. The *exact* keyword must show in the headline of the Ad as well as once in the Ad body.
  8. Even *minor* variations of keywords should go into a new, seperate AdGroup with new, exact matching Ad-Text. ("Acne", "Cure for Acne", "How to cure Acne" all should go into their own Adgroups)
  9. Keep the Number of keywords per AdGroup at a minimum, at best use only ONE keyword per Adgroup - but use all three match types for this keyword. Example: Acne, "Acne", [Acne]
  10. Use negative keywords. If you sell something use negative keywords like "-free", "-gratis". This filters out clicks of people looking for free stuff.
  11. Monitor keyword and adgroup performance. Delete keywords and/or campaigns with low number of impressions and clicks. Low performing keywords affect all other keywords, thos the whole AdGroup and finally the whole campaign.
  12. Read some books covering the basics and more advanced techniques how to use Google Adwords, otherwise you could lose money.
  13. Use the Google Help Center

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